Auricular Acupuncture
(Acupuncture of the ear/AcuDetox)
Dealing with life's complicated issues can be hard. Suffering from mental health conditions can complicate things even further and make life even harder. Our staff if passionate about helping people and we understand how important care for mental health conditions can be. To help ease some of these symptoms, Balanced Therapeutics is proud to now offer a form of auricular acupuncture that is targeted for such issues.
The NADA 5NP AcuDetox protocol of auricular acupuncture has been used in the United States since the 1970's to help people curb addictions and cravings as well as ease the symptoms of depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Focusing on five specific points in the ear, the overall goal is to both treat active addictions and cravings and to prevent them from occurring by addressing certain mental health issues.
Each session is approximately 30 minutes in length and is available through one of our walk-in AcuDetox clinics or as an add-on to your massage therapy session when booked with one of our NADA certified Massage Therapists. See our homepage or Facebook page for AcuDetox clinic dates and times.
Lindsey Zulewski, LMT, ADS Amanda Starks, LMT, ADS
For upcoming dates for our walk-in AcuDetox clinics, check out our Facebook Page.
Check out our informational video here.
First Responders click here.